Digital Marketing for E commerce


Digital Marketing for E commerce

E commerce, electronic commerce to be exact is largely digital. From the first sight of the product to the final delivery confirmation are all on digital platforms. It would be a fools idea of ignoring digital marketing for an e commerce business.

Further, putting digital marketing at the forefront of marketing for an e commerce business actually has the best conversion of customers. You are bringing an online prospect to an online business, a very normal and easy shift for a person who is already surfing the net on his/her device.

Our team has in depth knowhow, experience and capability to think out of the box to make your e commerce site perform at optimum levels. We can create strategies, implement tactics and deliver results round the year to make sure your e commerce store and your brand both have a short term advantage and long term value creation that helps leverage Digital marketing investments.

SEO for E commerce

Search still holds 47% and more share of all click to any website. Google still is the king of searches. Being in top results on google for your target audience benefits you to get better conversions.

SEO is an important element of our digital marketing strategy. We can set up onsite SEO and off site SEO for your business. With multiple Search Optimization Strategies at play and the right target audience, we can keywords and SEO elements that would help your store get good conversions through search engines. 

PPC/Paid search for E commerce

Paid Search and PPC on Other media together can drive target audience for your products directly to your e commerce store. Filling up the top of your sales funnel at a very low cost would help you increase your sales for every dollar spent on digital marketing.

With many Paid advertising and PPC options available, our team would give you best mix that has optimum outcome potential. With time, we can further use the existing and new data to make the mix more profitable, which in turn increases your sales without increase in investment. 

Key Paid Options : Google Ads, Social Media Ads, Chats, Third party blogger ads, etc.

E mail marketing for E commerce

You have multiple customer groups in your target audience. Those who have bought from you, those who are in your mailing lists and those who are a part of your generic target audience but are not in any way connected to your brand.

We make sure that e mail campaigns to these groups are customized. Existing customer get to know of offers and their past purchase history and their cross selling products. The newsletter subscribers get to know of your company, brand products offers and the incentive to take immediate action. The third group is targeted with invites and incentives to buy and/or become a part of your mailing lists and social media followers to make sure they are into your sales funnel. 

A well planned and executed mail campaign is the best tool for customer retention as well as credible buying experience.

Social Media Marketing for E commerce

Let’s face it, if you are in e commerce and you are not well placed and live on social media, you are shutting doors to thousands of prospects in your target audience. 

Every social media platform that is popular has its uniqueness and brings in millions of eyeballs per minute. How can it be ignored?

Our Social Media team has expertise in providing you the right mix of social media platforms and customized activities for each to make sure you organically and through paid channels are being seen and followed by your target audience. 

From first look to final conversion we employ multiple content and media strategies to drive your sales funnels through social media.

Website for E commerce

The heart of an e commerce business is its website. This is where all the real action happens. This is where your customers can come and stay or leave within 30 seconds. 

Make sure your customers are there and they do buy from you. We design upgrade and maintain your e commerce website with other digital marketing activities to make sure your total strategy is in alignment. 

Good call to actions, smart navigations, easy purchase path and a good follow-up with cross selling would lead to customer not only coming to your website, but also recommending you to others.

Video Marketing for E commerce

As e commerce is all online, the major fear customers and prospects feel is that of no FEELING the products. Well, Videos, to some extent help in pacifying this fear. When a person sees a video of a products o demonstration of how it works, (specially physical products), he has a higher level of confidence in buying. 

Further, with social media going gaga over videos and video streaming increasing with every passing day, it is imperative that you have a strong video production and marketing capability in your brand.

We at Technosoft have the experience in creating and publishing video to purchase credibility of buyer. Through proper stories and content, we can also build your brand value and increase customers for your e commerce venture.

Blogging for E commerce

People read. While travelling, while relaxing, while researching, people read. Blogs are an excellent medium to put into attractive copy written content the experiences your e commerce store and products can provide. 

From store highlights to category specifics, you can share plethora of information about your business that people can read and be persuaded to buy.

Furthermore, this helps immensely in search engine optimization and ranking. Even today, google search engines respect textual content and textual content is the driving force of google search. 

A consistent blogging strategy leads to a smart and massive content that would work in your favor in creating massive content for repurposing and multiple use.

Affiliates for E commerce

There are millions of affiliates across the world catering to huge audiences and/or niche. Many of them have millions of followers. Some of them have high impact and while others have just followers with almost no conversions. 

Our team can skim through the high impact affiliates and strike deals where in revenue sharing can help you increase sales without burden on marketing.


These were just some of the many aspects of digital marketing for e commerce that we carry out. We are sure you have questions from the above. You can put in your feedback here and we will make sure you get a positive reply in 3 working days.

Published On : 2022-07-28 19:53:26

Published By : Admin

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